We brought him in the shower with us and attempted to get the random bits clinging to him all of. One of his ears was full of it, it was all over his hair and neck, and some little flecks stuck to his hands and arms. He seemed to be pretty okay regardless, a little more subdued than normal, but told me his stomach didn't hurt. Perhaps it was the day filled with not a lot of good healthy food and too much running around. Why were we running around?
Because Evan's sister Amber finally had her baby! Turner Daniel arrived just after three yesterday afternoon, coming into this world weighing eight pounds one ounce and measuring 19 inches. We spent the evening at the hospital enjoying the newest addition in our family. As I held him and smelled his sweet baby freshness, I imagined Christmases years from now when the little cousins would play together, Easters spent hunting eggs together, and sleepovers in the backyard. B-E-A-Utiful.
My newest knitting project, a beanie for Evan, is coming along. I'm making it out of the leftover wool yarn from Turner's soaker and hat set. Speaking of yarn, I ordered eight skeins of the most gorgeous yarn from a 100purewool co-op. The colors are truly beautiful, I cannot wait to see them! I also ordered two skeins of undyed, so that I can test it in some kool-aid and see what kind of colors I get.
Well, that about sums up the most recent events. This weekend the poles for our garage will be set in concrete, and sometime next week the foundation will be poured and the framing will start going up. I will try to get on here and post as I find time!

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