
Aidyn's Day...

Today was Aidyn's surgery! He wasn't able to eat from midnight on, which meant by the time we checked into the hospital at 11:30 he was starting to get a little angry. He explored the waiting room with a friend who came to play with him until his grandma showed up, and then he amused her for awhile. Finally, they called us back and he changed into his little hospital pajamas and drank the "happy juice", an anti-anxiety medication. Then they wheeled him back and started. About an hour later they came and got me, he was just starting to wake up and he was NOT happy. He was crying and screaming, mostly disoriented and very unhappy about all the tubes connected to him. I finally managed to get him settled down, and after awhile they took all the tubes out and he went to sleep in my arms. The second time he woke up he was in a much better mood and we were discharged after they cared for his little member. He has about ten miniscule little stiches and it's a little swollen, but he's in a great mood, eating popsicles like crazy and watching his favorite dinosuar movie now. They think everything will be great!

And why is there no mention of Evan in this little summary? Because he was in another part of the hospital with our daughter. I was fed up with the cranky teething and decided to have her checked out. Her diagnosis? Hand foot and mouth virus. Yes, as gross as it sounds. Apparantly there's nothing they can do but let it run it's course, so we have another week of the crankies. The worst part is it's caused little blisters in her mouth that make it painful for her to eat. Never a good thing in my opinion.

Anyway, that's a pretty apt description of the day. Thanks to all of you who helped out with and were praying for Aidyn, especially Becky and Stacy. You guys were lifesavers today!

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