

I could probably babble into infinity about all of the things that drive me crazy and make me melt about Evan, but I'll do my best to do him justice in this shortened timeframe. He's everything that makes me smile and cry at the same time. When we first got married, I read a saying that went, "A successful marraige requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.". Nothing could be more true. Everyday he teaches me something new and beautiful about life and fills it with memories I'll cherish forever. He's the most original person I've ever met. He sings off key at random moments. He is obsessive about his routines. He makes up diddies about the kids' diapers. He'll spend an hour in the toy aisle picking out one matchbox car for Aidyn. The most beautiful thing about him is the way he loves; he's slow to anger and quick to forget, completely loyal without reason, and I've never seen him put his happiness ahead of anyone elses. He's pulled me outside in the middle of the night to kiss me in the first snow of the year. He laughs and gives me a score when I burp. He calls me in the middle of the day to say he loves me. Most of all, he simply puts up with me. He'll hold me while I cry for no reason, listen to my ranting without judgement, and never complains about my odd way of going about things. Evan is the epitome of everything honest and faithful. For these reasons and millions more, I love him - not just because of who he is, but who he has made me.

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