

The kids are tucked in for their naps, the cat and dog are snoozing lazily together, Evan is at the store, and I am sitting on my living room floor propped against the wall in the exact spot my couch used to be. Today, our new couch *cue the lights and music* is being delivered, hence the reason the old one has moved temporarily into our bedroom in preparation and I am sitting on the floor. Wanna glimpse?

I've spent the better part of the morning partying at the various blogs hosting a little piece of the UBP2008. I have come across some strange ones, some downright hilarious ones, and tons of great ones. In continuing honor of the festivities this week, I am posting my favorites so far.
First and foremost, although this one is no stranger to me, is the Mama Kenz Studio blog. This is MacKenzie, who lives in my very own corner of Spokane, and owns Chic and Savvy Mamas. She was the one who first introduced me to natural parenting, and most recently, to the wonderful world of wool. She is a mama who truly enjoys helping others, through her business and everyday life, and she and her little blog have inspired me more than once (check out her posts on making butter by hand and her svelte aprons, along with some super sweet longies knitted from Uraguanian wool!)

Second, I love, love, love this one. It's a mommy/daddy team, ie:Sheena/Greg, who are blogging their way through a pregnancy and into parenthood. Normally the cutesiness of that idea would inspire gagging sounds, but they've done it in such a chic and sweet way that it's hard not to love it. Just reading it brings back fond memories of a time not too long ago I awaited my own sweet babies and all the thrills (and aches, oh the aches!) that go along.

Third, lovin' me some Sprittibee. This blog is fun, informative, a little funky, and a lot creative (witness her prize for the party of Pysanka Easter Egg Sleeves). She's down to earth and quirky, two characteristics I find irresistible! I'll be coming back long after the last party snacks and confetti have been cleared away.
So that's the synopsis thus far, I'd better be off to scout out some other great hosts and peek out the window every so often in search of the furniture truck....


  1. Thanks for sharing these! This is my first blog party and I am really enjoying meeting so many different people. Have a great week!

  2. Awww thanks so much for the love! *tear* :-D I love the look and feel of your blog! I showed your blog to Mommy and she instantly fell in love with it too! She'll be dropping by here in a few... as soon as she gets done raiding the refrigerator!


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