Ely had her big moment yesterday, her first real haircut. Er, minus the one she already gave herself. She sat through it so well! I was amazed. First we stopped to get coffee, because what's a girl outing without some java? I felt rather sorry for Juli, trying to make something of the ragged mess that Ely left behind. I told Juli she went at it like she does everything else, with a vengeance and gusto! I let her go wild with my camera, taking pictures of everything while Juli snipped away - herself in the mirror, the floor, Juli, me - she captured it all. Juli let her blow dry and then brush her own hair as well, which she loved. She giggled every time Juli sprayed her hair with water, Then when we were done we went to the store and picked out some new clips for her little summer hairdo. Honestly...I hate it. I miss those beautiful long tumble-y curls. I'm sure I'll get used to it, and it is cute, but until it grows out a little and looks less choppy I'm sure it will just seem weird to me. So on to the pictures, and there are a lot of them, because I've turned into my mother after all and I'm entirely snap happy!
Coffee fix!
Assessing the damage.
First cuts.
Starting to enjoy it.
One of the 23 paparazzi Ely shots, yes, I counted.
Telling daddy about it.
Future stylist
The results
Still cute :)
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