In the middle of getting the listings up, organizing everyone's contributions and of course, dyeing, knitting and spinning to my little hearts over-content, I've also been slowly working on the main site and working out the details of some wholesale arrangements. The main site, helped along by my old friend Dustin, my go-to man for all my tech and site issues, is getting re-worked a bit so that the four different sites I'm on now are being streamlined and linked together by the main site. That includes, actually, this blog, which will be being moved onto my own server. I believe I will leave this blogger one up instead of transferring everything over there, but from now on I'll be using the one on my main site once it's up. I think. I'll have to wait for the finished product to completely decide what will happen. As for the wholesale deals being worked out, most are just products that I want to carry in my store, but there is one that is a partnership of sorts as well that I'm truly excited about. I can't reveal it quite yet, but as soon as the last little details are hammered out I'll be posting, you can be sure of that.
So forgive the dreadful way I've neglected this little corner of my online world, soon I will be back with the usual pictures of fiber and stories of munchkins. And for those of you who have emailed me to let me know you miss my posts or ask where I have been, thank you. I'm sorry I've been away, but I'm rather touched by just how many people apparently find this blog amusing enough to return to. Cheers!
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